Thursday, June 5, 2008

Trivia podcast winners

Hi everyone, here are the results you've all been waiting for! Yes, we have finally managed to sift through all your entries and have chosen the best three!

The correct answers are:
Carly Jemursari true
Andy Darmokali true
Dan Jemursari true
Johan Darmokali true
Melanie Graha true
Rebecca Jawa true
Rhona Jawa true
Simon Jawa false
Simon Graha false
Tim Graha true

The winners are:
Steven orange 9 Jemursari
Meyrisa basic 3 Jemursari

Theo upper 1 Jemursari

Sorry to those of you who were unlucky this time, please try the next competition which is coming soon.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Trivial Teasers!

Hi Podders and welcome back!

This competition we've asked ten teachers from each of our branches to record some interesting facts for you.

What you have to do is decide whether the facts are true or false, then email us ( saying which teachers were telling the truth and which ones weren't. Don't forget to give your name, level and branch.

Henry, Basic-1, Jawa
True: Jez, Peter
False: Tom, Rachel

Good luck!

Click here for the podcast

Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Podcast

Welcome back!
Going live next Wednesday 21st May ...our latest podcast competition.

This month teacher's from all our schools have something to say, and as usual there are more great prizes up for grabs.

So... get your friends and family to help you, check back soon, listen and win!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New podcast winners


Well done to the following students who each won a Rp.50,000 Sogo voucher in the second Kelt podcast competition:

Sentiza,       Blue-9,       Jawa
Yolanda,      Basic 3,       Jemursari
Virginia,      Blue-11,       Graha Family
Theodore,       Mid-4,       Jemursari
Hizha,       Mid-3,       Darmokali
Anita,       Red-5,       Jemursari
Dareent,       Mid-1,       Graha Family
Mita,       Mid-3,       Darmokali
Bella,        Mid-3,       Graha Family
Susan,       Mid-3,       Darmokali

The answers to this competition were: 
Q1. Ana went to France Skiing (and sailing)
Q2. Ana is going to go scuba diving in Bunaken
Q3. Ana doesn't like the pollution, litter, or corruption in the postal service in Surabaya!
Q4. Ana's favourite song was Never Forget by Take That

As there were so many entries for this competition (nearly 50!), and so many of you were correct we decided the fairest way to pick the winners was by random selection, so we put all the winners names in 
a hat and Regan at Jemursari picked out the 10 winners.
If you're a winner, you prizes will be given out on report day.

Sorry if you were unlucky this time!

Many thanks for supporting the Kelt podcast this term; we hope you
enjoyed doing the competitions. There will be more for you next term!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The moment you've all been waiting for... our latest podcast program, 'Tropical Island Discs' is now live!
Our guest this week is our newest teacher, Ana, who works at the Jemursari branch.

This episode, DJ Dan is interviewing Ana and asking about her favourite music.

Click the link below to hear the show. Please be patient if your connection is slow!

CLICK! listen to the interview

Now CLICK! for the questions
Listen and answer the questions to win more great prizes:

1. What was Ana recently doing in France?
2. What is Ana going to do in Bunaken?
3. Name two things Ana doesn't like about Surabaya.
4. What is Ana's favourite song, and who is it by?

Don't forget you can listen to our podcasts in any of the Kelt Self Access rooms.
Email your answers, with your name, level 
at Kelt and branch to:
... or fill in an answer slip at any Kelt branch and hand in to the secretaries.

The competition will close on Tuesday 18th at 12pm. Winners names will be posted here and prizes will be given on report day.

Good luck!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

New Podcast coming soon!

Get ready for Kelt's second podcast, going live on Wednesday 12th March.
Find out about our new teacher, Ana, and win more prizes too!

And the winner is...

A big congratulations to the winners of Kelt's first PodCast!

For those who still don't know, the answer to the question, 'Where did Jez get his icecream?', was:

Cafe Pisa!

There were eight winners in total who have received Kelt merchandise and vouchers for Cafe Pisa. Now they can all enjoy some delicious gelatos of their own!

Well done to everyone who took part. Come back on Wednesday the 12th March when our next podcast will go live.

Below are photos of our winners receiving their prizes :)

Andre likes eating!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Kelt's first PodCast!

Jez is telling Tom how to get to a great icecream parlour.
Click on the link below and listen. Do you know where it is?

Podcast no.1